

  • Install Java Runtime Environment 8.
  • Install Boot.
  • Install Leiningen (for building the uberjar and documentation).
  • Checkout clj-documint.


  • Install the free-standing css2xslfo jar into your local Maven repo from your checkout directory:
    $ lein localrepo install resources/css2xslfo1_6_2.jar com.fusionapp/css2xslfo 1.6.2
  • Copy documint.config.json.example to documint.config.json and adjust the configuration to suit your environment. (See below for setting up the keystore and truststore if necessary.)
  • If setting up document signing, create a self-signed certificate for signing:
    $ keytool -genkey \
              -keyalg RSA \
              -alias selfsigned \
              -keystore documint_keystore_dev.jks \
              -validity 3650 \
              -keysize 2048

    Then reference this certificate by its alias (selfsigned in this case) in the signing stanza of the configuration.

  • Run boot dev to run the hot-reloading development version of the service. (It’s possible to use lein run and forego hot-reloading in order to avoid depending on Boot.)

    Any dependencies will be downloaded by boot and afterwards the service should be running:

    2018-06-20 22:41:41.284:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:clojure-agent-send-off-pool-0: Started ServerConnector@2034342c{HTTP/1.1}{}
    2018-06-20 22:41:41.403:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:clojure-agent-send-off-pool-0: Started ServerConnector@2efbf813{SSL-http/1.1}{}
    Starting #'
    nREPL server started on port 60120 on host - nrepl://
    Elapsed time: 4.072 sec

    At this stage it should be possible to interact with the service:

    $ curl -s -L --data '' http://localhost:3000/sessions/ | python -m json.tool
      "links": {
        "self": "http://localhost:3000/sessions/90a1c5fc-e295-458d-82fa-3e65038fc690",
        "perform": "http://localhost:3000/sessions/90a1c5fc-e295-458d-82fa-3e65038fc690/perform",
        "store-content": "http://localhost:3000/sessions/90a1c5fc-e295-458d-82fa-3e65038fc690/contents/"


See Dockerfile and .drone.yml for production deployment details.

SSL and client certificate authentication

Documint can do client-certification authentication and SSL itself if necessary:

  • Create a self-signed certificate for SSL:
    $ keytool -genkey \
              -keyalg RSA \
              -alias ssl \
              -keystore documint_keystore_dev.jks \
              -validity 3650 \
              -keysize 2048
  • Obtain a CA certificate. For development purposes the snake oil CA cert from Fusion is sufficient.
  • Add the CA cert to a truststore, any client requests containing a cert signed by this CA will be accepted:
    $ keytool -import \
              -file ca.crt.pem \
              -alias some-ca \
              -keystore documint_truststore_uat.jks