The API is intended to be self-describing, each response contains information about relevant related resources. Interaction with the service usually begins by creating a session.

JSON results will have a links key that is a mapping of relationships to URLs. For example self will be a URL to the current (or newly redirected to) resource, while perform will be a URL to which an action can be POST-ed.

Create a session

POST /sessions (application/json)

Create a new session. Takes no parameters. Will redirect to the newly created session.


  • self: URL for the newly created session.
  • perform: POST to this resource to perform an action.
  • store-content: POST to this resource to store new content, such as uploading a document to process.

Perform an action

POST /<session_resource>/perform (application/json)

Perform an action within a session. Action inputs and outputs are specific to each action being performed. See Actions.

All input and output documents are specified as URIs.


  "action": "action-name",
  "parameters": {
    "specific": "parameters"


The links for action results vary from action to action.

Store content

POST /<session_resource>/contents (Specify Content-Type)

Store new session content. Takes no parameters. Will redirect to the newly created content.


  • self: URL for the newly created content.

Fetching content

GET /<session_resource>/contents/<content_id>

Fetch the content of an output. Takes no parameters.

Deleting a session.

DELETE /<session_resource>

Delete a session and clean up all associated storage. Takes no parameters.

Prometheus metrics.

GET /metrics

Endpoint for Prometheus to poll for metrics.